Sunday, January 22, 2012

Rebel Girl With A Cause

 all photos AFP / Getty Images

At age 13, Laura Dekker said she wanted to solo sail around the world. When Dutch authorities tried to stop her, she ran away at age 14 to pursue her dream. Authorities found her in St. Maarten trying to buy a boat and took her away. Five long court battles later, along with the promise of getting a a bigger boat, and to do correspondence schooling, she was allowed to set sail.

Sixteen years old & 27,000 nautical miles later, Laura and her 38ft boat, Guppy, sailed into the port in St. Maarten yestrerday to set the record for the youngest person to solo sail around the world.

I was stoked when Zach Sunderland did his solo sail around the world and I made sure I was in Marina del Rey when he arrived home from his voyage (at the time he was the youngest person to do so). Ian went to see his sister Abby off on her RTW sailing trip. And I watched, along with everyone else in the world, when she was rescued when her boat capsized after it was hit by large waves, in the Indian Ocean. 

And now I am cheering for Laura and her amazing accomplishment.

So damn cool that young people are doing something extraordinary that they love instead of hanging out at the mall...


Anonymous said...

Sounds like the ultimate dream. I bet it was amazing. Like falling in love. That's how I felt when I went to Ecuador and seen the Andean people.

Clochet said...

wow that's amazing!! this young people are the future!

Meghan @ Wishful Thinking said...

I've been following this incredible story! I wish I was that brave at 14! If she can sail all around the world at her age now, can you imagine what she will do in a few years?!

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